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Meghan Markle fashion: Her most affordable looks to shop now, ahead of the royal wedding - CNN

When you make a purchase, CNN receives revenue. Our team is solely responsible for researching and selecting the products and for writing the reviews. CNN news staff is not involved at all in the selections or product reviews. For more on what we do and how we do it, visit our About Us page. Meghan Markle-approved clothing brands to shop Many of Meghan Markle’s signature looks are easily re-creatable Ahead of the royal wedding, shop these Markle-approved items Hands down, one of our favorite fashion icons to emerge within the past year is Meghan Markle. Her style is effortless, in many instances casual, and pretty radical compared to some royals. She’s proof that fashion fit for a royal can be completely attainable to the average person. Many of the fashion brands she sports are trendy, comfortable, down-to-earth and, more importantly, reasonably affordable. It makes shopping for a princess -approved wardrobe pretty economical. It’s no surprise a handful of her go-to pieces have been sold out completely or amassed a pretty extensive waitlist.

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